
On Simultaneous Localization and Mapping inside the Human Body (Body-SLAM)


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Wireless capsule endoscopy (WCE) offers a patient-friendly, non-invasive and painless investigation of the entire small intestine, where other conventional wired endoscopic instruments can barely reach. As a critical component of the capsule endoscopic examination, physicians need to know the precise position of the endoscopic capsule in order to identify the position of intestinal disease after it is detected by the video source. To define the position of the endoscopic capsule, we need to have a map of inside the human body. However, since the shape of the small intestine is extremely complex and the RF signal propagates differently in the non-homogeneous body tissues, accurate mapping and localization inside small intestine is very challenging. In this dissertation, we present an in-body simultaneous localization and mapping technique (Body-SLAM) to enhance the positioning accuracy of the WCE inside the small intestine and reconstruct the trajectory the capsule has traveled. In this way, the positions of the intestinal diseases can be accurately located on the map of inside human body, therefore, facilitates the following up therapeutic operations. The proposed approach takes advantage of data fusion from two sources that come with the WCE: image sequences captured by the WCE's embedded camera and the RF signal emitted by the capsule. This approach estimates the speed and orientation of the endoscopic capsule by analyzing displacements of feature points between consecutive images. Then, it integrates this motion information with the RF measurements by employing a Kalman filter to smooth the localization results and generate the route that the WCE has traveled. The performance of the proposed motion tracking algorithm is validated using empirical data from the patients and this motion model is later imported into a virtual testbed to test the performance of the alternative Body-SLAM algorithms. Experimental results show that the proposed Body-SLAM technique is able to provide accurate tracking of the WCE with average error of less than 2.3cm.

  • English
  • etd-042814-091313
Defense date
  • 2014
Date created
  • 2014-04-28
Resource type
Rights statement


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