Generic Work

Image 106 of Theo Brown Diaries, 1920

Public Deposited

THURSDAY, Apr. 8, 1920 99 Warmer today. In field both morning and afternoon. In morning with Duffield and Judinston to show them the self adjusting hitch on #4 plow. In afternoon with power lift trench guide lister. The trip on this lister extends below the clutch and had a tendency to trip by catching on corn stalks. Also the braces from the frame to foot of beam seemed to be in the path of the furrow slice. The clutch of course works in the dirt. We are going to work out this lister at once to see how serious this is. In evening went to hear Leonard Wood give a very able talk. He is a candidate for the Republican nomination for president.

  • English
Date created
  • 1920-04-08
Resource type
  • MS02.01.06.103
Last modified
  • 2023-06-27




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