Generic Work

Alexandre Dumas, Impressions de Voyage Suisse, 1834, cover illustration by Célestin Nanteuil

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Alexandre Dumas's Impressions de Voyages Suisse was serialized in 1833 and published in many editions from 1834. The book provided panoramic sketches of the people and places of the Alps told in Dumas's dramatic and whimsical style. Dumas interviewed Jacques Balmat at Chamonix and vicariously conquered Mont Blanc. The panoramic range of the book is indicated in the cover art by Célestin Nanteuil, dated 1833, which shows the exotic scenery, animals and people of Switzerland. The Milan cathedral is framed by views of scenery above an image of William Tell and the heraldry of Swiss cantons.

Palabra Clave
  • 1834
Date created
  • 1834
Resource type
Rights statement
Última modificación
  • 2024-06-17

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