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Image 414 of Theo Brown Diaries, 1948

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MONDAY OCT. 18 1948 [Insert: Annual Council Meeting Program] Annual Council Meeting Stevens Hotel Grand Ballroom ~~~~~~~ At the meeting this morning I placed about 100 names in nomination. There were at least 1200 at the meeting. The speakers were fine. Cliff Davis of Reva Beck Bosone particularly. James Tauham is going to be a fine man for chairman of the executive Committee. In afternoon meeting of Finance Committee. Gressens,Millard, Jacoby, Kempton, Cormick, Tanham, Dearborn, Forney Greenwald & I. Have arranged a meeting for tomorrow after the council meeting with Dearborn, Gressens, Forney, Noble, Fox & Coe to lay plans for a sponsor group for Farm Council. [Newspaper clipping; Accident Prevention] Elise got back from St Louis at 940 this evening. She said Dr Kountz said she was in good shape which is the best possible news. She had brunch with George Mackay & Lucy. ~~~~~~~~~~ A 68 year seasonal cold weather record was shattered early today when the temperature droped to 20 degrees at 6 AM.

  • English
  • MS02.01.28.317
  • 1948_1_316
  • 1948
Date created
  • 1948-10-18
Related url
Resource type
  • MS02.01.28.317.414
Última modificação
  • 2023-09-06




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