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Image 432 of Theo Brown Diaries, 1949

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Bill telephones from New York that he landed Tuesday Dec. 20 1949 at 6 tonight ~~~~~~ Hard rain - had it been colder He called we would have had a lot of snow - at 930 P.M. INSTITUTE FÜR LANDTECHNIK DER RHEINSCHEN FRIEDERICH-WILLHELMS-UNIVERSITAT BONN DIREKTOR: PROF Dr. ING DENCKER POSTANSCHRIST:INSTITUT FÜR LANDTECHNIK FERNRUR 4526 BONN/RHEIN. MECKENHEIMER ALLEI 176 Very honored Mr. Brown! [Stamp] Nov. 23 1949 Your probably have received the sad news From Mrs Sack of her husband's conviction. I found a letter waiting when I returned from a long journey. I had foreseen that this would happen years ago and begged him to stay here in the Western Zone when he visit- ed me in Bonn three weeks before his arrest. Unfortunately in spite of all our warnings he has brought misfortune to him- self and to his family. After the Russians confiscated all industry and made it communistic property in the Russian way it could only be a short time until the last of the industries would also be confiscated including Dr Sack's factory. Since they did not want to let him excapeto the West they prosecuted him and imprisoned hom. To find an excuse is no trouble at all for the Russians and the Communists. Mrs Ssck clings to the hope of a possibel amnesty on Revolution Day November 9. Personally I do not believe it since they did not imprision him in order to free him right aay. It is to be hoped that at least he will not have to spend the entire three years in prison. For the severely tried family it will be a cause of hope to know that they have friends not only here but also in the United States who will help him to get a new start when he gets out of prison. In the year and a half since our currency

  • English
  • MS02.01.29.390
  • 1949_1_384
Parola chiave
  • 1949
Date created
  • 1949-12-20
Related url
Resource type
  • MS02.01.29.390.431
Ultima modifica
  • 2023-09-06




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