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Image 113 of Theo Brown Diaries, 1948

Público Deposited

And he was exceeding glad and he questioned her saying "Tell me I pray thee on dweller on these Olympion heights at thou a competent and executive handmaiden who seeketh to return to earth and with willing hands and cheerful heart assume the household duties of a small and refined family, and who at the same time wisely reckoneth the emoluments of service subservient to the acquisition of a congenial home!" And she answering said "Lo, thou hast truly spoken, I am that girl!! But the householder mindful of the inquiries that his wife would make and peradventure would remind him of on his return would even further question her - though satisfied himself of her efficiency. And he spoke unto her saying "Art thou a sufficient cook to be in sharp and successful competition with the bakery?" And she answering said "Lo, good bread and plain cooking I have excelled in from my youth up but the Missus has usually given her attention the cake and the indigestables." Then did he further question her as to her accomplishments in the laundry. Could she instintively dicern the difference between the hot and cold water faucet--and was she conversant with the use of soap! And she said she was a washer of the first water, yea and ironing was her delight! And yet a third time would the householder question her saying, "Tell me, oh prospective handmaiden, hast thour inherited habits of neatness and order, for verily to the casual observer upon the seeming abandon of they back hair and the entangling alliances of thy curl papers thy boasted hab of efficiency would seem adjusted in most inartistic pose?" But she restive beneath his persistent catagory would fair for amoment direct the questioning herself against the woman from as she rightly supposed---these inquiries emanated and against the house where unto she was called, and so she said unto him, "I pray thee householder, how many members constitute thy family?" And he answering said "Peradventure there be five?"But she not content with the bare numerical tabulation of the household was curious as to the respective ages of the various membersthereof lest it should appear in the last analysis thatcertain of the family yet lingered in swaddling clothes thereby implying an augmented wash. Yet he answering said "Verily it is not so." And she said unto him tell me I pray thee if thy servant be in evidence on (over)

  • English
  • 1948_1_095
  • MS02.01.28.095_01
  • 1948
Date created
  • 1948-03-26
Related url
Resource type
  • MS02.01.28.095_01.114
Última modificação
  • 2023-09-06




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