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Image 91 of Theo Brown Diaries, 1949

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[Postage Stamps: Netherland] TUESDAY MARCH 15 1949 N.V. Louis Nagel & Co. ARNHEM HOLLAND MR. TH. Brown Leipzig March 8 1949 Very honored Mr. Brown As at the present time in Leipzig there is Spring Mass I have a good chance to send this letter by Mr Riemer from Arnhem Holland. In this way I can write you more frankly and give you a better picture of our situation, but first I would like to thank you and your dear wife for the great kindness to help us. With your rich packages you help us so very much you can hardly imagine it. Mr Finger from Berlin has just again today brought us 2 packages which we will not receive until tomorrow. I will then write you exactly whether we have recieved everything. I must tell you before everything else that if I am not worring a great deal about our food it is on your account. Our situation is catistrophic. My poor husband is still since 41/2 months in a cell with 13 men. He is treated as a political prisoner and is not allowed to do anything. only since 8 days ago has he been allowed to read books. Since he has lost 28 lbs. and still only weighs 142 pounds, he is 6 feet 2 inches tall so you can imagine how he looks. Since his loss of weight has taken place so rapidly I am allowed to bring him a 2 pound loaf of black bread once a week. I am allowed to visit him once a month for ten minutes under guard. He is blamed for having obtained food unlawfully only to obtain the sympathy of his workmen through he is suposed to have corrupted the class conciousness of the workmen. You will not understand this because a decent person cannot understand that kind of quibbling. The true reason is that they want to posses my husband's business in order to make it a Communistic undertaking. As these official proceedings ended, another way must be found, and another way is imprisonment. My husband must be declared guilty in order that the business may be taken away from him. uch are the conditions which today

  • English
  • MS02.01.29.085
  • 1949_1_085
  • 1949
Date created
  • 1949-03-15
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Resource type
  • MS02.
Última modificação
  • 2023-09-06




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