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Image 63 of Theo Brown Diaries, 1947

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CHARLES SNYDER How was it the poet said it after standing by the body of his dead friend? "Serene he lies among his books, the peace of God in all his looks". Serene, Peace! They are spoken silently by this quiet face bathed in rest. The aged form wearied by the load of many years, knows is't burden nor it's pain any longer. Death as a kindly physician came quickly and gently and by the touch of it's hand wrote the lines of beauty on a tired face. Serene she lies before us, the peace of god in all her looks. "Thank God for death! Who touched anguished lips and stills their breth And giveth peace to each troubled breast." Here we linger by the quiet form with our mingled feeling of gratitude and of regret, ---gratitude for the rest that has overtaken her, regret, very deep regret for the absence of a loved frined who will not come back anymore. We hail the re- cent oppupant of this form who has passed through the old door sent in the wall and has disappeared into the carden of healing and of the discovery of life more abundantly. "For deathe is only an old door set in a farden wall. On quiet hinges it gives at dusk when the thrushes call" Somewhere out there she will feel the return of Strength and of faith, of vigor, even the cigor of a strong soul and of the yearn- ing of an eager spirit even as you knew here in other days. " There is nothing at all to trouble any heart, nothing to hurt at all, Death is only an old door sent in a farden wall" Did I say somehting about a garden? It will be a welcome discovery to her. When the dark hours overtook her and the world seemed to ruch by her, the floweres in her garden were dind to her. The roses and the lillies notted gaily as she passed and shed their silent gospel of beauty and bathed her soal in incense. Those of us knew her best and those of you who loved her most, knew well the strength of her loyalties and of her abiding interests. The vigor of the eternal motherhood was very pres- ent in her heart. Her interests were never very far from those to whom she was tied by her consuming sense of (over)

  • English
  • 1947_1_053
  • MS02.01.27.053
  • 1947
Date created
  • 1947
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Resource type
  • MS02.
  • 2023-09-06




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