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Image 99 of Theo Brown Diaries, 1948

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Shakingtrees and where they will find a breakfast: he would like to ask the muskrats if the days are not too long without any books: and the "tr-r-ronk" of the bullfrogs is more interesting to him than the new saw-mill of which the people in a mountain hamlet are so proud. The bees and buzzers of all sorts are companions of his walks: and hegrows pathetic over the last butterfly of the season, a poor faded and ragged thing, who seemed "not to place a high estimate on the remainder of his earthly life. In spite of his having been used as the emblem of immortality, the months have told on him." The one granchild that sat on his knee was more than "a well-spring of pleasure." What need of other angel visitors? He cannot withdraw his eyes from her: and even when she grows old enough to show her own little will, he finds her "winning at the worst." Pretty as a picture indeed! "When I find a picture as pretty as she is I shalll buy it, if I have to mortgage my house." His regret when a new saw-mill intrudes on the landscape where he has long delighted to gaze on an old grist-mill is softened by the reflection thatwhen she grows up it will bean old saw-mill for her to look at. There might be a bright collection of his own mots and jeuz dèspirit, in which he had a healthy enjoyment. When business is dull, he thinks of writing his life, which he admits needs "righting." Going rather late to an oration of Emerson's, he remarks to his companions, that "it is better to miss hearing Emerson than to hear anybody else." After standing on a high pier above the water, which images a duplicate firmament, her says, "If I had fallen, I should have gone straight to heaven." His epitaph on Solomon Pease has long been in circulation:- "Under this sod, beneath these trees, Lieth the pod of Solomon Pease." Among the bits of his nonsense which got in the "Drawer" of Harpers Monthly,he was pleased to find this:- "A pious old fellow in Lynn Believed in original sin; He was full on't he said From his heels to his head; And his neighbors believed him in Lynn."

  • English
  • MS02.01.28.084
  • 1948_1_084
  • 1948
Date created
  • 1948
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Resource type
  • MS02.
Última modificação
  • 2023-09-06




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