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The Iceman and Ötzi, Italy 2001 and Germany 2011

Öffentlich Deposited

The discovery of a frozen body in the ice in 1991 led to a prolonged legal dispute over who discovered this neolithic iceman "first." The tenth anniversary of finding "l'uomo venuto dal ghiaccio" was commemorated with an Italian postage stamp issued in Bolzano, the iceman's new resting place at the Museo Archeologico dell'Alto Adige. By 2010, the court case over who discovered Ötzi was finally settled in favor of a couple from Nuremberg. The twentieth anniversary of "Entdeckung des Ötzi aus der Bronzezeit" featured a commemorative German postmark with its own First Day Cover in Nuremberg. These conflicting images of Ötzi illustrate the limits of what can be known about the past and the difficulty of selecting a particular person to represent the universal category of humanity.

The Iceman and Ötzi, Italy 2001 and Germany 2011 © 2013 by Peter H Hansen is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

  • 2011
Date created
  • 2011
Resource type
  • Photograph by Peter H. Hansen
Rights statement
Zuletzt geändert
  • 2024-06-17


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