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Image 325 of Theo Brown Diaries, 1948

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Avignon Dear Mother - Dad - [Leaser] A letter from Dad & [Leaser] today both telling me of the Dubuque tornatdo. How lucky that the kids were at the movies. Do you suppose that Debby's nature will be somewhat altered after that ride? Also was most amused to have a letter from Neal two days ago - and then read all the contents today in Lee's clipping from the Dispatch. We got to Avignon yesterday, starting at 1 in the morning via 3rd clan with three changes and 13 hours of traveling, plus no seats half of the way. This is normal summer traveling in there parts. But its good to be here, and now the group more or les splits up, so I'll be, I hope, more or less on my own. I can hardly wait, as Playing combination nurse-maid, mother, and porter to so many girls, sweet as they are gets old after a while We stayed in Blois for 4 uneventful days - I had an attack of stomach

  • English
  • 1948_1_247
  • MS02.01.28.248_01
  • 1948
Date created
  • 1948
Related url
Resource type
  • MS02.01.28.248_01.326
Última modificação
  • 2023-09-06




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