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Image 450 of Theo Brown Diaries, 1948

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SATURDAY NOV. 13 1948 This letter came today. Mr Coddington wrote Bob who is in Berlin sending copy of this. I wrote Wolfram we would do all we can. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Darmstadt - Nov 4, 48 You will be astonished to get a letter from me. I am the second son of Dr Hans Sack and student at the Darmstadt Technical College. One of my comrades arriving today from Leipsiz told me he spoke with Mrs. Sack, who begs me to inform you about the events happening to my father as follows. On Oct 15th about 20 policemen occupied the building of the Sonderban, my father's factory. The apprechended the chief selling man Herrn Abel and the confidential clerk Herrn Keilmann too, having found something suspicious on search in their homes. Besides they found an article of the Berlin Telegraph, a news- paper of the Social Democratic party in the Western Sector. By this reason they arrested Dr Sack too, and the three persons were taken to the Leipzig police prison, where they are till now. Afterwards the factory was controlled at day and night by the police. The whole building was examined, all books and papers in the business too. In our dwelling which is in the top floor of the building, they examined, only for example, the whole mail which Mrs Sack got the five last years. Some of the upper clerks, constructors etc. were held for three more hours. All that they only do in order to find a better reason for imprsonment of Dr Sack than the article is and to take the factory over to the country-own firms. In our dwelling, they examined all and took our private telephone. Mrs Sack thinks that she, my two sisters and my brother will soon be forced to go out of the dwelling. One of the constructors is elected to take over the work of the boss during the time until the time they will get new instructions. This constructor isn't a radical communist, but he only will rule in the meantime until the taking over of the firm to the country-own firms is perfect. The chief-book-keeper aids him. He is a very honest and capable man. Mrs Sack was not allowed to speak with Dr Sack, and also the lawyer wasn't permitted to visit him. Now it was told that the German police iwll leave the whole affair to the Russians, as there are no reasons to keep Dr Sack in police prison, and the police for all that will be rid of him from public life. Maybe that thereby every- thing will be okayed, as my father worked for the Russians and they are interested in him, so we hope that he will be dismissed. I think that is a typical robbing of a

  • English
  • MS02.01.28.344
  • 1948_1_343
  • 1948
Date created
  • 1948-11-13
Related url
Resource type
  • MS02.01.28.344.449
Última modificação
  • 2023-09-06




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