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Image 178 of Theo Brown Diaries, 1947

Public Deposited

THURSDAY MAY 15 1947 Charley Wiman went to the new experimental farm with me this afternoon. He saw and drove the new tractor and cultivator and was much impressed with the outfit. He would like to have the horizontal type cylinders. But I dont think that would work out. Silver, Ted Johnson, Ken Anderson, Purcell (Dreyfull man) Bob Merrill, Morrison all drove the outfit too, and all liked the handling, ease of riding etc. Also showed Charley the plows low clearance #104 tractor. This is plow Keith Scholfield designed. Charley drove the outfit and said it worked fine. Later a meeting Charley Stone, Harry Boyle, Ed Bopf & I. It seems Purcell Acton of I.H.C. wants to come to Deere & Co as and understudy for me. Harry Boyle talked with Mc Caffrey, president of IHC to ask whether it would be alright for us to take him. McCaffrey said they ahd a very hight regard for Acton. Scarett is in charge of engineering and Acton & Scarett do not get along. Acton said he was promised a reasearch department of his own but it never came thru. So we expect to have Acton come down for a talk sometime next week. It is the thought it would be best not to have him under me to start with, as I'll be away this summer and also it might be awkward for him if others thought they should leave the place. I hope he will prove to fit into my place.

  • English
  • 1947_1_147
  • MS02.01.27.147
  • 1947
Date created
  • 1947-05-15
Related url
Resource type
  • MS02.
Last modified
  • 2023-09-06




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