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Image 115 of Theo Brown Diaries, 1940

Public Deposited

Thursday, March 21, 1940 Left for Chicago on 1024 Rocket. Snow in Chicago. Left on 530 train for Syracuse. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Elise Lee & Bill had a fine time in Washington. The Paul Priesters did a lot for them. They had dinner with the Gillespies, lunch with Harry Livermore, etc. Then took sleeper to Newark on Wednesday night and went to Ames. They had lunch with Mr & Mrs Heny Dreyfuss in New York, went to Radio Music Hall. Dinner at Hugos etc. Bill went to the opera Friday afternoon with the Peabody's. They all came to Worester Friday night on the sleeper. [Passenger's check: Chicago to Syracuse] Saturday March 23 I can't help saying a little more about Elise and my trip to Ptinceton this morning. We drove mother's Ford and there was not a great deal of snow until we left Holden. As we got to the Princeton line the wind blew a gale and loose snow blew in such force that it was impossible to see more than a few feet ahead. The snow banks were fron 5 to 10 feet high on each side of the road, and the gale filled the roads so that show plows were constantly at work . The road was single track much of the way and we were fortunate to get to Princeton. I took some colored pictures and my hat blew off and if a small boy had not rescued it a half mile away I could never have recovered it. It was good to see Mr Gregory & Miss Gregory in the store. They said Princeton had not had so much snow for years. It was zero this morning and the wind was so strong we could not attempt to get to our house.

  • English
  • MS02.01.21.090
  • 1940_1_090
  • 1940
Date created
  • 1940-03-21
Related url
Resource type
  • MS02.
Last modified
  • 2023-08-29




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