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Image 109 of Theo Brown Diaries, 1941

Public Deposited

Wednesday, March 12, 1941 Clear [Headlines: Honolulu Star~Bulletin;World News] Breakfast at 630 and soon the mainland came into view. Three tugs appeard and Lee and Bill were on a tug. How excited we all were. In a little while about 8 Lee and Bill were on board with [us?]. What a thrill Elise and I had. We docked at 9. Lee took me to the Police Department to get a temporary driver's license. Then we drove out to 2013 Hunnewell Place. Lee and Bill have a nice little house with Avocado Pear trees, etc in the yard. Elise and I are quartered in room 50 at the Pleasanton Hotel. We all had lunch there and later Elise Lee and I went to Waikiki Beach to the shops. I bought a hat and a swimming suit. It is hot here, at least it seems so to me. We had dinner at Lee's & Bills and as we were all tired went to bed early. [Letterhead: Pleasanton Hotel] 947912 Lee Telephone 94025 Tel. Church [Signature: Elise B. Cade Bill Cade] [Postage Stamps: ??] C-7189 Pontiac

  • English
  • MS02.01.22.096
  • 1941_1_096
  • 1941
Date created
  • 1941-03-12
Related url
Resource type
  • MS02.
Last modified
  • 2023-09-01




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