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Image 17 of Theo Brown Diaries, 1949

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SUNDAY JAN. 9, 1949 Elise and I packed a package for Hildegarde Sack and sent her a CARE package today CARE 50 Broad St New York. Elise and I went to church and were alone for the day. In late afternoon called on the Simonsons. Wrote a long letter to Dr C.H. Dencher. ______________________________________________ This letter will leave on Dec. 6, '48 Since that time nothing has happened. Nov. 26, 1948 My very dear Mrs. Brown I must write to you today and express my most hearty thanks for having thought of us so lovingly by sending us a CARE package. This time we really had wished for it. You will have heard of our great misfortune from our son Wolfram from Damstadt. Unfortunately I cannot write explicitly about it. I feel extremely sorry for my poor husband, who has already been under arrest for six weeks without anything to occupy him. After five weeks I was allowed to speak to him for a short while. He looked very sad and weak. He had gotten very thin because the food is very scanty and we must have special permission to give him something to eat. Now you can imagine our good fortune when your CARE package arrived in Berlin. I could make such good use of all the good things for my husband. Especially nice was the chocolate because it is concentrated, nourishing, righ in calories, easy to digest, and handy to eat. May I be greedy and express a wish? If you could occasionally send some chocolate or other nourishing food. It need only be a small package. Then I and my poor husband would be very much aobliged. (over)

  • English
  • 1949_1_015
  • MS02.01.29.015
  • 1949
Date created
  • 1949-01-09
Related url
Resource type
  • MS02.
Última modificação
  • 2023-09-06




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