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Image 379 of Theo Brown Diaries, 1946

Public Deposited

MONDAY OCTOBER 21 1946 Charley Stome came back today after an operation of removing an eye. He says he is much better than for a long time. In thinking over waht I can do to help get the #101 tractor into production a little faster it seemed that our department could do three things. 1. Tryout on the #101 tractor we now have the rype of cultivator what Nordenson expects to use which is like the one on the Model M tractor and compare it with the culticator we developed. In this way a decision can be made before the tractoer design goes too far. 2. See if operator can set ocer radiator and keep cool enough. Believe we can try this out experimentally. Nordenson proposes to place radiator in front of motor. 3. Design a plow linkage so an integral plow can be used behind the 11" clearance # 101 (see Oct 14 sketch). For this low clearance it is impossible to have plow beam under body of tractor. I hope this program can be carried out.

  • English
  • MS02.01.26.340
  • 1946_2_124
  • 1946
Date created
  • 1946-10-21
Related url
Resource type
  • MS02.01.26.340.378
Last modified
  • 2023-09-05




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