Student Work

IntoxiGait Deep Learning: Investigating deep learning to predict intoxication levels using smartphones and smartwatches


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Alcohol abuse has been a pervasive problem worldwide, causing 88,000 annual deaths. Recently, several projects have attempted to estimate a user’s level of intoxication by measuring gait using mobile sensors. The goal of this project was to compare a deep learning approach to previous methods to predict the blood alcohol concentration of a user by training a convolutional neural network and creating a mobile app which could accurately determine intoxication level. We gathered data from 38 participants over the course of 12 weeks, collecting accelerometer and gyroscope data simultaneously from both a smartwatch and smartphone. Our neural network’s accuracy is roughly 64% on the test set and 69% on the training set into 5 BAC ranges for an input containing two seconds of data.

  • This report represents the work of one or more WPI undergraduate students submitted to the faculty as evidence of completion of a degree requirement. WPI routinely publishes these reports on its website without editorial or peer review.
  • E-project-032318-145400
  • 2018
Date created
  • 2018-03-23
Resource type
Rights statement

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