Student Work

An Evaluation of the C-H Activation Potential of Palladium Catalysts


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The breaking of a carbon – hydrogen bond, or C-H activation, is a very energetically intensive process, as the bond is almost entirely inert. Despite the difficulty of the process, understanding what drives efficient C-H activation can allow for the direct functionalization of aryl or alkyl C-H bonds. This project aimed to examine the C-H activation ability of various palladium catalysts by measuring their H/D exchange activity. H/D exchange is the exchange of a hydrogen atom for a deuterium atom on a hydrocarbon by breaking the original C-H bond. This project examined several trends in H/D exchange ability of palladium catalysts, including the effects of sterically bulky ligands, ligands with varying electronic character, and the effect of varying the temperature of reaction.

  • This report represents the work of one or more WPI undergraduate students submitted to the faculty as evidence of completion of a degree requirement. WPI routinely publishes these reports on its website without editorial or peer review.
  • E-project-042915-125241
  • 2015
Date created
  • 2015-04-29
Resource type
Rights statement

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