Student Work

Synthesis of Iron Cobalt Nanocrystals


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The objective of this project was to synthesize iron cobalt nanocrystals of specific sizes ranging from 5nm to 25nm in diameter. Starting materials of iron chloride and cobalt chloride were first reacted with sodium hydroxide to produce iron and cobalt oxides. These oxides were mixed in varying ratios with oleic acid in ODE solvent and reacted for 40 to 90 minutes by pyrolysis at 320176C to 335176C, with each variable intended to alter the size of the resulting nanocrystals. After purification, the products of favorable reactions were analyzed using TEM. Despite eight months of procedural adjustments, the experiment yielded poor results. No clear iron cobalt nanocrystals were produced, although one experiment resulted in magnetically reactive crystals that were visible to the naked eye.

  • This report represents the work of one or more WPI undergraduate students submitted to the faculty as evidence of completion of a degree requirement. WPI routinely publishes these reports on its website without editorial or peer review.
  • E-project-041709-133532
  • 2009
Date created
  • 2009-04-17
Resource type
Rights statement

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