Student Work

Stock Market Simulation


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The objectives of this project were to research and explain the fundamentals of the stock market and to practice the skills necessary to make successful trades within the market. A four member team investigated the creation of the modern stock market, the histories of NYSE and NASDAQ, and the political factors that affect the stock market. Members also performed an eight-week stock market simulation, each specializing in a particular trading strategy and sector of the market. One member used fundamental analysis investing with a diverse portfolio; another used company history and projected growth to invest in the life sciences, the third member used historical analysis to invest in the gaming industry, and the last member used the income and growth strategies to invest specifically in shoe manufacturing and technology companies. Only the portfolio that - focused upon the gaming industry produced a profit, while the other portfolios lost money. The results indicated that (a) companies that respond to customer feedback tend - to succeed; (b) the gaming industry is running at full steam and that now is a good time to invest; (c) basing your trading decisions on the quality of a product or service is only useful in some sectors, like technology, while it is less useful in other sectors, like - banking; and (d) finally, it was concluded that investing in the life sciences is a risky venture, because developing technology is kept far from the investors’ evaluation and loss of FDA approval can cause unpredictable and devastating losses in stock value. 

  • This report represents the work of one or more WPI undergraduate students submitted to the faculty as evidence of completion of a degree requirement. WPI routinely publishes these reports on its website without editorial or peer review.
  • E-project-121409-111522
Palabra Clave
  • 2009
Date created
  • 2009-12-14
  • Worcester
Resource type
Rights statement

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