INSTALLATION: Unistall any previous versions of adblock you may have installed. Simply drag the .xpi onto firefox and a small window will pop up. The rest will be obvious. DEFINITIONS: First Party: Content that comes directly from the domain you are browsing ( Second Party: Content that comes from a server on the domain you are on ( Third Party: A server from a completley different domain ( when you are on USAGE: Please read the preamble for more information on the purpose of this plugin. Within the extention options, you will find three radio buttons. Selecting one sets the highest "level" of content you are allowing (assuming that First Party < Second Party < Third Party). For example: has ads that it will serve out to other websites. If you are on one of these websites and have "Second Party" selected, you will not see the ads. If you then visit, everything will display properly. If you were to do this with regular adblock rules, you would have to deduce the ad server amazon was serving off of, or block all amazon content update. If you block all amazon content, then would not display properly. Now suppose you visit websites where people post pictures hosted on third party websites (waffleimages, imagesocket, etc ...), but you like to keep your settings at "Second Party". While blocking the unwanted content, you would wind up blocking some of the images you wanted to see as well. Clicking on the "ABP" stop sign in the bottom right of your status bar will bring up a window displaying servers and downloaded objects for the particular page you are on. If you cannot see the icon, activate it by checking "Adblock Plus Extention Options > Options Menu > Show in Status Bar". In this window, you can specifically allow or deny a particular domain. This selection will pre-empt any other logic used within the extention. Domains without a particular selection (or domains that have been "cleared") are subject to the original logic. KNOWN BUGS: Seemingly incorrect server/content hit counts. Due to the way the plugin works, the information in the status window is set to clear at the end of a page load. Sometimes, a page has a piece of javascript that activates and tries to load something after the browser has told our plugin that the page is done loading. This is indistinguishable from a normal page load, and the information will clear itself. One example is The links at the top of the page will cause the browser to try and load something. This load will result in a clearing of the server/object hit count page, sometimes before you got a chance to look at it. If this happens to you, reload the page and try to click on the icon as quicly as possible or get to the icon without moving your mouse over the webpage (trace around the outside of FF, down the scroll bars).