Student Work

Design, implementation and assessment of the effectiveness of a 4th grade mathematics after-hours MCAS program at Adams Street School.


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The goal of this project was to help improve education in Worcester County. If we look at the statistics for the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) examination, it is evident that there is much left to be done as many students are still found to be of unsatisfactory competence. Hence that is what I decided to focus my efforts on. There was a need for mathematics help at Adams Street School on Adams Street in Worcester. The Principal, Mrs. Betty Army, was planning to implement an after-hours mathematics help program to help raise their MCAS mathematics scores. I volunteered to help out with that. It turned out to be a golden opportunity for both the school and me, as I feel we have both benefited greatly from this experience. The purpose of this report is to allow anyone who wants to implement a similar after-hours program in preparation for the MCAS examination in 4th grade mathematics to see the sort of strategies they might adopt, the kind of mistakes they should avoid and the sort of assessments they should make. It is essentially intended to be a rudimentary manual for such a program. I hope that my work will in some small way benefit the Worcester Public School system.

  • This report represents the work of one or more WPI undergraduate students submitted to the faculty as evidence of completion of a degree requirement. WPI routinely publishes these reports on its website without editorial or peer review.
  • 00A016I
  • 2000
Date created
  • 2000-01-01
  • Worcester
Resource type
Rights statement




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